Expert Katria Jenkins, executive director with Embrace Families in Osceola County, discussed the importance of child abuse prevention and the importance of checking-in.
It's very important that children have community supports, a mentor, and strong family support who communicate with the child. Having a relationship with a child can definitely help support and provide that resiliency that they need to stop abuse and move forward in life to live in a healthier dynamic.
Being a parent is extremely challenging. As individuals, we need to recognize that and empathize with parents and family members. When we're checking-in, we may not have all the answers. But asking “How are you?”, “How are things going?”, and then offering support where you can provide it goes a long way.
The use of technology is very important right now.
We're social distancing, but that doesn’t mean that you can't say a quick hello to a neighbor in passing and ask how they are doing. There are ways that we can still be watchful and helpful.
Embrace Families offers:
Also, Ounce of Prevention provides resources such as handbooks and other tools that you can use to review with your family and friends and talk about prevention of child abuse. If you see a parent that's overwhelmed, offer that assistance and be empathetic.
If you are interested in getting involved with Embrace Families by becoming a foster parent or mentoring children, find more information at
Take the pledge to check-in at